Latest Track Upgrade Report - 14th Nov 2022

Good Weather Makes for Great Progress!

Finally last week we got a break and had some good drying weather. The crew worked flat out getting the road base sorted again and ready for a seal in the new braking area. Then spent yesterday rolling and watering most of the afternoon.

After being rain-affected nearly 12 weeks in a row, it's really good to see dry grounds for once. Although we have been held up with the track extension, we have had time to lay & wire in the new timing system loom and work out sensor placements, etc. Next month we will see some nice progress on the track. 

Monday morning progress, single coat seal done and dusted to protect the Road Base until the asphalt is laid.  

Work will start on the 2nd half of the braking area and loop tomorrow (road base) concrete walls are next on our list, then the asphalt will start from the 1/8th mile concrete onwards.

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